Saturday, July 30, 2011


A Guessing Game.
There are 2 answers to either question:
1 widely dispersed        1 narrowly dispersed

Whisper answers to me  quietly    and think hard;
if you are wrong,
I can't be held responsible.
Now that you've read, you HAVE to PLAY.

What, below Man's knee,  is slowly receding only to one day disappear?

What, above Man's neck,  is quickly receding that one day soon will disappear?

The answers will arrive August 3rd. Final rule: only I can win.

1 comment:

  1. What, below Man's knee, is slowly receding only to one day disappear?

    The steps he will take.

    What, above Man's neck, is quickly receding that one day soon will disappear?

    The thoughts he will think, the ideas taking root, the music he will hear, the people he will wish dead or alive or in the framework of his life.
